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A beautiful lesson by a beautiful teenager

I don't know her. But I do know she's 10 or 11. She would rather go for a bike ride than go to school. That explains why a bicycle is first on her wish list. On two is a telephone. In third place are roller skates. A hip bag also seems handy to her. 

I suspect she wants to put her phone in there while she goes biking. In case she forgot to charge it, she wants a power bank. Finally, a set of earphones. Then she can listen to her favorite music during her bike rides. I think.... As I indicated, I don't know her, haven't talked to her. 

That is something you cannot, or very difficult to take away, dreaming. It costs nothing, you can do that as much as you want, whatever you want. In your dreams everything is possible, nothing is impossible. Or am I confusing it with fantasizing now? For me it is something essential, it is what keeps me going, what gives me energy and courage to continue on in the present round-about. 

Besides being part of a wonderful, fascinating and challenging family, of course. Without them, I probably would have left a long time ago. Off to somewhere and nowhere. Packing up, getting on my bike and heading out, seeing where the wind takes me. Something I now do regularly in "Erikland." 

Or on the many beautiful Flemish roads or beaches. Then you must leave me alone, I have enough company in my mind. A beautiful landscape, a terribly ugly house (as there are many in Flanders) or just a very charming house, a cat, dog horse or cow. Other walkers or cyclists, a noisy sports car or boring electric Tesla. A trimmed lawn, flower meadow, chaotically intermingled trees or a stylized avenue There is a lot to see along the way. Far too many to list here. But all things that can trigger me along the way, tickle my fantasy and make me dream. 

The important thing is that those dreams don't disrupt your real world. You cannot assume that all your dreams can really come true. Having that as your motive makes you stop being in the here and now, that you forget to live. Our society is built on unrealistic dreams. The American dream! "If you try hard, anything is possible!": is something successful people tell you.  When you stop chasing their American dream their dividends stop. So it is important that you keep going above all else!

It is all around us, screaming colorful and sometimes provocative advertising. Which wants to encourage you to consume. Because that is apparently the measure of a successful life at the moment: Shop, shop, shop...consume. We let you dream of the latest dresses and success-emitting suits. The most hip and fashionable four-wheeler. Although two-wheelers are also in these days. Under the condition that they are correctly sculpted, of course.  

Can't keep up? Then you'll have to work a little harder. A full-time job won't be enough then. Also, don't forget to pass by the bank. They can lend you something. As long as you keep going for it, that is the most important thing. 

OK, I'm taking it a bit too far here, but sometimes you have to exaggerate to make your point. Above all, don't let me make you feel guilty the next time you visit the local mall. Enjoy. 

Currently, more and more people are in a daily survival mode. Unfortunately, there are plenty of reasons that make it an anything but pleasant time for many. High energy prices, long-term illness, war, not being accepted because of your color, gender or religion, an underpaid job, more expensive food, stress and pressure because you are trying to keep up, being on your own, no access to affordable housing, ...

But also more people who can keep up, but whose heads are turned mad by the eternal fetish of growth. That it is never enough, always has to be more, bigger, more fantastic, more spectacular. Who keep running, forgetting to enjoy what is already there. No empathy left for the less fortunate on this earth. They should shut up, fuck off or work a little harder. Then they will get there...

And so unsuspectingly Valya, whom I don't know, gives a very beautiful lesson in humility through the newspaper. She was given a disposable camera to show her world. And asked to make a wish list. 

By posting that list and her photos on Instagram, they hope it will become a reality. And what's on there: very simple things. 
Simple things, no unattainable bling bling that will make her look successful. Just, a bicycle to cycle to school with her favorite music in her ears.  

But the best is yet to come. Her answer when asked how she sees her future: "The future? Don't think about it. I thought about going to the river tomorrow". 

Most of all,  do it Valya! That's all it should be. Above all, let's make sure that children can be children first and foremost. Perhaps we should include that fact in the discussion of educational quality. No, we really should not prepare our children to be productive contributors to that which, according to "The American dreamers," it takes to keep growing. To keep making it bigger, better and more beautiful. Looking forward to going to the little river behind the corner tomorrow? Nothing wrong with that at all. I am looking forward to hike to the city Boom my next extra day off. That's all it should be!

Above all, let's make sure that our children continue to have the opportunity to dream, experiment, fall and get up again. Without attaching expectations, goals or a vision of the future. It's something you can never invest enough in, at the end of the day it will also pay off handsomely. And then 'The Amercan dreamers' are happy too, aren't they? 

Oh yes, to complete: Valya is a teenager in the middle of war violence in Ukraine. You can find her and other children's photos on Instagram:

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