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Sometimes I really need to “dehumanize”...

Sometimes I really need to “dehumanize”...

After a hellish work week, you’re ready to watch your favorite series with your favorite drink and snack. And then the doorbell rings. Do you know that feeling? That feeling you get when someone unexpectedly knocks on your door at the most wrong time.

No, you can't be angry, the sweet face of your neighbors' kid is at the door. With the request to buy waffles. You know, vanilla or with chocolate. You've been tired of those for a long time because every association and sports club are selling them. To feed their cash register.

I will get straight to the point to talk to you about “dehumanizing”. According to Wikipedia, this is a process 'in which the humanity of a person or group is denied'.
But I like to use it in a completely different context, not at all in an inhumane way or anything. And 100% about myself.

The thing is, I recently went to Ostend alone for 10 days. To dehumanize. Something I need on a regular basis. Not that I'm a masochist who then allows himself to be humiliated for 10 days, or dehumanized, with a red ball gag in his mouth. No, I want to be left completely alone for 10 days. I don't want to interact with my fellow man in any way. Unless on a terrace to order a drink from the waiter. But for the rest, 10 days with no one to take into account or talk. Just ignore everyone. Wonderful!

At such a moment I am as it were 'overhumanized'.  Apparently a non-existent word that you will not find in Wikipedia. So I am happy to explain myself. That's the moment when I really can't tolerate people around me anymore. When I'm tired of the hysteria around me. At times like that you shouldn't invite me to go to the Antwerp Pride, Antwerp 10 Miles or any other 'cozy' event.  Although I must admit that the chances are slim that you will ever run into me there.

During the corona pandemic, I was not bothered by this. It felt great, not too many people in the supermarket at the same time. Silence and tranquility in the city. No overcrowded streetcars, buses or trains. Although, suddenly everyone found their way to my favorite quiet spots in the neighborhood. No shopping streets to spend a whole Saturday together? No problem, then we will go to the forest. The resemblance completely escapes me.

And so I headed for Ostend, my favorite seaside town. The city where one day I would like to settle down permanently with my wife.  From the moment I put my right foot on the platform in the train station of Ostend I feel like coming home. To then go for 10 days especially where you massively stay away from. A terrace in Wenduine (a small quiet seaside village), a walk in the West Flemish polders, looking for street art outside the center, with the bike around the ‘spuikom’ (an artificially dug basin connected to a seaport). As much as possible away from the crowds, to completely dehumanize. Blissful, right?


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